In our dynamic academic model, professional educators collaborate with families to foster a love for learning, rich relationships, and wonderful educational experiences.
During campus days (two days per week for Pre-K through Fourth Grade, three days per week for Fifth through Twelfth Grades), students attend classes on school grounds, engaging in a rich classical curriculum. On the days at home, the school provides parents and students with the resources they need to learn deeply, thoroughly, and efficiently.
The combination of involved parents, great teachers, and the classical curriculum certainly fosters academic excellence, yet we believe education is more than grades and test scores. At Providence, we believe in the idea of the Greek word
paideia: education as discipleship. As a classical Christian school, our goal is to cultivate wisdom and virtue in each one of our students and nourish their souls on a curriculum that emphasizes truth, goodness, and beauty.
Providence may be the place for you if you’re looking for a school:
that views each child as an “image bearer” of God, praying that each student will come to know Christ,
where you, as a parent, will have the opportunity to teach and train your child at home, two or three days per week (a valuable but challenging approach!)
where you can be a constructive contributor to a beautiful community of families and educators,
that approaches learning through the time-tested classical model of education.
Thank you for your interest in Providence, and we look forward to continuing the conversation.
-Bret Billman
Head of School